Monday, March 1, 2010

And....It's a BOY :)

Well, this will come as no surprise for members of the Gleason family, but we are having a little boy :) We had the ultrasound this morning. I was so anxious all morning and it felt like we had to sit in the waiting room forever, but it was well worth the wait. At first I was nervous because the boy was so bunched up in a ball the tech wasn't sure if she would be able to see anything! But after a little while she was able to get a good shot and sure enough it was obvious we were having a little boy. Baby Boy appeared to be growing at a healthy pace and looked well. He currently weighs a little over 9 oz. He wouldn't give us a frontal shot and he wouldn't move out of his balled up position. You can see in one of the pictures how his legs are over his head and he is crunched up. He apparently likes this position. He is so darn cute I could've stayed there all day to watch him just hanging out in there :) Anyway, enjoy the pics of the boy :) Yay for little boys!!