Monday, December 28, 2009

We're Expecting...Scary I know!

Well, after 6, okay maybe 7, home pregnancy tests and a doctor's visit it is confirmed that we are expecting. We weren't exactly planning this, but plans never seem to work out just right anyway. Apparently, God has other plans for us. Here's the story. On November 19, 2009 I suspected something was going on. My cousin, Kris, and sister, Jenny, were visiting at the time. After a terrible run I decided to pee on a stick. Let's just say that many tears followed. Of course Kristie and Jenny were ecstatic and I was in utter shock. I told Luke when he got home from work and as can be expected his response was, "That's cool." So, here it is: As of now, we are expecting a little one on July 28, 2010. I have my first ultrasound scheduled for January 15, 2010 to confirm a due date. I will update then with more information :) Better start praying for us now!