Monday, July 26, 2010

Porter Has Arrived!!

YAY! Porter has arrived! We are very blessed and happy to have Porter safely at home with us. Porter was born on July 20, 2010 at 2:36 pm. He weighed 8lbs. and measured 21 inches long. As you can see in the pictures he is the cutest baby ever :)
He did give mommy and daddy a rough time entering the world, but it was worth it. Here is the story: So, Monday night as Luke, Courtney, Ben, Shirley, and myself are playing cards I declare...I am going to win this game, stand up and have my water break, and then buy a winning lottery ticket on the way to the hospital. Well, funny enough, I did win the card game, stood up and my water did break...unbeknownst to everyone else! After a while I decided that, yep, my water probably did just break and I should say something. I told everyone, called the doctor, and then we headed to the hospital. Unfortunately, we were a little too anxious and forgot to stop and buy that winning lottery ticket! Got admitted to the hospital and put in a labor/delivery room around 10:30pm. After 15 hours of labor (which wasn't bad because I did get an epidural!) my body would not agree to let Porter out so the doctor decided it was time to do a c-section. I was pretty upset and disappointed at first, but now I just don't care because it got Porter to us. The c-section went smoothly (other than me having to get knocked out and then being completely delirious for the next several hours) and Porter entered the world screaming :)
We are all home now and recovery is going well. Porter has his first doctor's appointment today (July 26) so we will see how he is doing. We are adjusting to parenthood rather well, I think, and loving it. I honestly couldn't be happier right now. Visitors are welcome so come meet our little man :) Thanks to everyone for being so supportive on this journey! Love y'all!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

4 weeks to go!

Just a brief update...we only have 4 weeks to go! Wow, I can't believe it's almost time. We are so ready to meet this little guy, but we are trying to enjoy these last few weeks of freedom :) I am feeling great still and everything appears to be on track for a healthy baby and delivery. Other than the new pains and occasional swollen feet, I really am doing well! I wanted to post a few belly pics for y'all so you can see just how big I am these days! Rachel Erin Photography (who did our engagements and wedding) came and took some wonderful photos for me. I am also waiting to finish up some more great photos that a great friend, Shelley Vance of Shelley Vance Photography, will be taking as well. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos. We are getting new windows throughout the house on July 6, so once those are installed I will post pics of our great little nursery. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we go day to day waiting on the arrival of Porter :) I will do my best to keep everyone updated on here weekly until he arrives! Thanks everyone and have a Great 4th of July!!