Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baby Gender Myths/Theories

Okay, I figured since we will be finding out the sex of the baby soon I would try out these myths/theories for guessing the sex of the baby. Below are the 10 most popular myths and my experience with them thus far. This may help you guess what you think Baby G is going to be :) Make sure to cast your vote on our poll!! I promise to post the answer to this question as soon as we find out in 2 weeks! So excited :)

1. Baby's Heartbeat: This old wives tale believes if you are having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a slower heart rate below 140. A baby's heart rate is not affected by its sex until it is born, when a girl's heart rate will increase considerably compared with boys during labor.
ME: Baby's heartbeat has been fast. The first ultrasound recorded a heartbeat of 158 bmp so this would indicate a girl.

2. Carrying Low or High: Did you know that the way you carry during your pregnancy is one of the most popular baby gender myths when trying to determine the sex of your baby? This old wives tale often believes if you are carrying low then you are most likely giving birth to a baby boy. However, if you are carrying high then you are giving birth to a baby girl.
ME: Well, this one is tricky since I really am not showing much yet. I can't really say if I'm carrying 'high' or 'low' so I guess this one is just going to have to be a neutral. If you have seen me and have an opinion of how I am carrying let me know :)

3. Food Cravings: Are you craving chocolate and other sweet cravings? If so, you could be having a baby girl! If you are craving salt and sour foods then you may be having a baby boy.
ME: Well, again this is a tricky one because (a) I really don't crave anything and (b) before I was pregnant I always craved chocolate/sweets. I would say though that I am craving less chocolates/sweets now that I am pregnant and do go more for things like chips and popcorn so I guess this would suggest a boy.

4. Weight Gain: This old wives tale actually refers to your partner's weight. If your baby's daddy puts on weight during your pregnancy then you might be having a baby girl. The myth also states that if he doesn't gain an extra pound or two then you are carrying a boy.
ME/Luke: Actually Luke has put on some weight, but not sure if this happened before or after the discovery of Baby G. So I guess we will have to say that this indicates a girl.

5. The Wedding Ring Test: Take your wedding ring and tie it from a string and hold it over your belly. If the ring swings back and forth you might be having a boy. If it goes into a circular motion, then it's a girl.
ME: So we didn't do this with my wedding ring, but instead with just a necklace I was wearing. We did the best out of 3 and a boy won.

6. Acne: Some women believe that if they notice there face is breaking out more then usual then they are having a baby girl.
ME: Again, this one I am unsure of because in my first trimester I did have more acne problems than now. I do feel that acne has been a problem since the pregnancy so I think this one I would go with a girl for this myth.

7. The Shape of Your Face: Look at your face in the mirror. If your face is more round then usual you could be having a baby girl!
ME: This one is just funny. I do not feel that my face is anymore round than it ever has been so I am gonna say this one gets a boy count.

8. Morning Sickness: This old wives tale believes that the more morning sickness you endure more likely you will be having a baby girl.
ME: Well, this one definitely gets a girl count. I had awful morning sickness all through my first trimester so I guess that indicates a girl.

9. Feeling in Uterus: This old wives tale believes that if you feel heaviness in the lower area you will be having a boy. If you feel pressure higher up then you might be having a baby girl.
ME: I generally feel the most pressure higher up I that indicates a girl.

10. If daddy drinks a lot of soda, you could be having a boy.
ME/Luke: Well, Luke does drink a good bit of soda so this one is gonna have to go to the boys.

Okay, so the official tally then would be: Girl: 5 and Boy: 4 points. Ha, pretty close. Well, good luck with your guesses and we will all hopefully find out in 2 weeks. Until then, happy guessing :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby Gleason Update

So baby and me had a prenatal visit today. Everything looks well! I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, which means I am finally gaining weight. I guess that's a good thing, I think :) Baby G's heartbeat was easy to find this time and sounded fast and strong. The good news is is that we have the big ultrasound on March 1st. Yay, we will finally know if baby is a boy or girl. I am very excited about this. So, until then, keep praying for baby and me to be healthy! I will let you know as soon as we know if Baby G will be a he or a she :)